Monday, December 5, 2011

New Cute Things My Daughter is Doing

* Anne eats at the table with us now, with her own plate.  Except she often picks her food up off the plate and puts it on the table next to her (which is not cute).  But if you ask her to put the food back on her plate, she does it :-D

* I often sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider to her when I change her diaper because she loves the hand motions.  She has a little hand motion version she does to tell me she wants me to sing it.  Yesterday we were in the kitchen and she did the hand motion to tell me her diaper needed to be changed. Smart kid.  Potty training soon?

* She can *almost* blow a kiss. She's got the noise down and the hand to her mouth part down.  She just hasn't put it together yet.

* She knows the "clean up song" and will help me put her bath toys away now.

* She gets how to blow her nose from watching us even if she doesn't put enough force behind it.  I was blowing my nose yesterday and she grabbed a tissue and mimicked me.