Monday, September 26, 2011

Dear Anne : September 26, 2011

Life has been crazy and hectic lately which is why you turned 11 months old a week ago and I'm just now getting around to writing this.  Speaking of, I can't believe your birthday is in 3 weeks...but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Let's see, new things you can seems like overnight you went from crawling to pulling yourself up on the furniture to cruising to taking your first steps!  I happily got to see you take your first steps on September 15th.  I was home sick with a stomach virus and Grammy was over helping me take care of you.  I stood you up and you walked into her arms!  I was so happy I almost started crying, I was really afraid you would do it at daycare and I'd miss it.  You've gotten braver since then and will occasionally try to walk from one piece of furniture to another or from us to an object.  The farthest I've seen you walk so far is about 8 steps across our living room.  I'm sure in another week or two I'll be chasing you around everywhere.

You've gotten better at shaking your head no or yes when you want or don't want something.  Your eating habits seem to have gotten pickier lately, a lot more food is ending up on the floor, but I'm not sure if it's a phase or if it's because you have a raging cold right now and don't feel like eating in general.   You can put objects into bags or bowls now instead of just taking them out and unpacking and repacking your diaper bag is endless fun for some reason.  You've discovered the tupperware cabinet and love to pull out the bowls and lids all over the kitchen.  It's fun to watch you try to match the lids with the containers.

You enjoy pushing your musical table or our dining room chairs across the kitchen.  You haven't eaten any cat food yet that I know of, but we're pretty good at watching you when you're playing on the floor.  On the other hand, it seems like every bit of cardboard or paper you come across still immediately goes into your mouth.  I'll be glad when you quit doing that.  You can crawl up our entire staircase (9 stairs) all by yourself.  Don't worry, we're always right behind you in case you slip.  I took you outside and let you play in our backyard and it was fun to watch you crawl away from me, then come back, then crawl a little farther, then come were testing your limits.  I love watching you explore new things.

You've become quite the little Daddy's girl and often want him instead of me if you're hurt or upset.  I think Daddy loves every second of it.  You already have him completely wrapped around your finger and I love watching you two play together.  He's very protective of you, too.  If you're sleeping at night before we go to bed and you make the slightest noise he bolts up the stairs to check on you.  Speaking of sleeping, apparently naps and bedtime are for chumps because you barely take naps at daycare (though I can get you to sleep at home if I nurse you) and you want to play instead of go to bed a lot lately.  It's frustrating but I know it won't last forever (and it's not every night).

You still aren't really talking yet but it will come in time.  You like to chase the cats but they're still not terribly fond of you.   I kissed your baby doll and asked you to "give baby a kiss" and you did, with the classic open-mouth pose of an infant.  It was pretty adorable but you were stubborn and wouldn't show Daddy.

We tried to introduce you to goat's milk this weekend because your pediatrician said I could supplement with it (and use it after you turn 1 so I can stop pumping); goat's milk is easier to digest than cow's milk.  You didn't like it at all and projectile spit it out.  Daddy and I laughed pretty hard; unfortunately I think that encouraged you to spit it out every time now.  You did swallow one mouthful so I have a bit of hope you will drink it eventually.  Honestly, I don't blame you because I don't think I could drink it, but you have nothing except my milk to compare it to so I'm still hopeful you'll grow to like it.   Goat cheese can be an acquired taste; maybe it's the same with the milk.

Since you were sick this past week I took you to the doctor on Saturday; you weigh 22 lbs and 11 oz now!!  I'm not surprised, you're mostly wearing 18 months clothes already; but you're also really tall so it's not that you're a fat baby.  I'm sure when you start running you'll burn off some of that baby fat anyway.

Every moment with you is a joy.  I've recently been able to change to a part-time schedule at work, so now I get off earlier and have Fridays off.  I'm loving it already and it's only been 2 weeks.  It's so nice to have that extra day with you.

Well, you turn 1 in three weeks, so until then...I love you with all my heart.



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