Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend Fun

Three day weekends rock.  The only thing that put a damper on this one was Kristian's absence as he spent the weekend in downtown Atlanta attending DragonCon.  I stayed home with Anne, which meant I got her all to myself this weekend (though by her crawling around and calling out "Da da da da?!" all the time I could tell she missed him too).

Friday started off wonderfully with me getting off at 1:00, though it wasn't so great to get a call from the daycare saying Anne had a fever and I needed to come get her.  When we got home we took a nap together for several hours, had dinner together and eventually went to bed.

Saturday morning Anne and I ventured out to the Decatur Book Festival.  We walked around and looked at the booths.  I was on a mission to find the Pete the Cat booth but there wasn't one.  I bought Anne a book called The Knot Fairy whose author was dressed in awesome fairy wings and signed the book for Anne.  Went by Little Shop of Stories to get the Pete book and stuffed doll I wanted, and Anne and I had lunch at the Pita Pit and got some frozen yogurt from the Yogurt Tap.   We were only in Decatur for a couple of hours but it was fun and we headed for home when Anne started to get cranky.  Laid down for a nap with hopes of waking up in time to go visit Vern and Amanda only to have a super cranky baby on my hands, so we didn't make it out again.  Anne has decided that bed time is for chumps and she tends to nurse and then want to play some, and twice this weekend I had to rock her to get her to finally settle down.  Speaking of which, I need to buy a rocking chair, because doing it manually makes my back feel like it's on fire.

Sunday we got up and headed to Atlanta to have brunch with Kristian and walk around DragonCon some.  Jarrett was sweet and gave me one of his badges so I could actually see stuff with Kristian.  We walked through the Hall of Fame (yay hott tv stars!), Dealers' Room, Art Show, and Exbitors' Hall.   I carried Anne in the Moby and I couldn't get over how dense the crowds were; I think having a baby in tow made me hyper-sensitive to the other people around me.  In past years the crowds haven't bothered me but this year it was really overwhelming.  Anne fell asleep on my chest toward the end of it, poor girl.   We got home late enough that I just fed her, bathed her, and put her to bed and spent the rest of my night reading.

Monday we headed back to Atlanta to pick Kristian up from his hotel and then we spent the day playing with Anne and lounging around our house.  It was rainy and gross outside so it was a good day for bumming around.  And I swear Anne said the word "Up" when I was trying to put her to bed.  She was fighting sleep and I laid her down on the mattress and she said "Uuuuuup!! Uuuuup!!"  But who knows.

Speaking of 3 day weekends....starting next week I will have Fridays off every week.  I can't wait. :-D

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