Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Inner Cowgirl

You know how some people like to claim they have an "inner goth kid", i.e. there's a part of them that loves the goth style but they don't live it on a daily basis? I understand it; it's an attraction to the dark and mysterious.

Well, I have one of those too, but I think my inner cowgirl could lasso my goth girl's butt to the ground.  Yep, I'm admitting it.  There's just a bit of a country girl in my heart. 

There's nothing that can get my blood racing faster than a man in a Stetson and a nice pair of boots (except my husband...now if I could just convince him to WEAR the Stetson and the boots...), and there's nothing that makes me tap my foot and sing at the top of my lungs like a good country beat (nestled nicely in a rock song, preferably).   I like good barbecue and I could spend hours listening to someone play acoustic guitar.  I haven't ridden a horse since I was a kid, but I think it's something I could definitely enjoy if I had the opportunity. 

This revelation brought to you by listening to Country Song by Seether this morning on the radio and realizing the music behind the lyrics was pulling at my soul. 

1 comment:

  1. :)
    I think its hard to grow up in the South and NOT appreciate those things! Some embrace it fully (and loudly!), some accept, and some are in denial - but its there, rootin' and tootin' at ya! Haha!
