Monday, February 21, 2011

Blowing Bubbles

Anne had her 4 month check-up on Saturday.  She weighs 13 lbs 14 oz now, and she's 25" long.  I tried nursing her while they gave her the vaccines because I had heard that it would make it so she barely noticed the shots...apparently that's not true for my kid.  She still screamed bloody murder when they stuck her, and even after the nurse had left the room she kept pulling off and crying as if it still hurt.  Poor thing.  At least next time I think she only gets 2 shots instead of 3...

The pediatrician went over some developmental things and asked if Anne was blowing bubbles yet.  I said no because I hadn't seen her do it.  In church on Sunday she decided to prove otherwise, and there were the tiny little bubbles on her lips!  It's so much fun watching her learn how to do new things.  She can grab toys and hold onto them for short periods of time, including pulling them to her mouth to chew on them.  Fingers are not safe from the nomming either; last night she grabbed Kristian's fingers and promptly pulled his knuckle into her mouth.  She's started scooting around if I put her on her tummy; i.e., she'll start facing one direction and before I know it she's turned 90 degrees and is facing another way.  She can hold herself up on her tummy with her arms out to her sides like she's pretending that she's flying.  She laughs, which is the cutest sound in the world to me.  And she's really started paying attention to her environment.  I caught her looking at the pattern on the nursing cover the other day, and she was following the floral print with her eyes.  It was neat. 

We went with my mom to do some wedding shopping on Saturday and she commented on what a good baby Anne is.  And it's true; Anne really only fusses if she's hungry, wet, or getting overly tired; she doesn't cry or fuss randomly like some kids do.  And she smiles all the time; she's a very happy little girl.  Of course, I attribute it to the fact that we bedshare and babywear and hold her every second we can; she gets lots and lots of attention.  But it might just be her personality. 

Speaking of babywearing...I get the most attention when I'm out with Anne in the Moby.  People are fascinated with the wrap and I get questions about it everywhere I go.  Also, because Anne's face isn't hidden like in an infant carrier, she gets lots of compliments on how pretty she is, too.  It's fun, at least when I'm not in a hurry anyway.  The funniest question I get frequently is along the lines of Anne's comfort.  Anne loves the Moby and hates her carrier.  As long as she's not wet or hungry, she will let me carry her in the Moby for hours, and will even fall asleep in it.  I might get 10 minutes out of the carrier.  I mean really, which would you rather be?  Snuggled up next to Mommy or in a hard car seat?  Because believe me when I say the padding in those things is lacking...

The next milestones we're working on is sitting up unassisted and crawling, although I won't be surprised if she walks first.  She loves to stand and can do it for several minutes at a time.  I'm not looking forward to her being more mobile though; babyproofing the house is going to be a lot of work.  She's easy to take care of right now, she stays wherever I put her! 

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