Thursday, February 10, 2011

This Strange World We Live In

There was snow on the ground today. Again.  In Georgia.  For the third time this winter... did I somehow fall asleep and wake up in bizzaro world? At least it didn't cause mass chaos...I mean, stick to the roads this time.  Driving to work this morning was beautiful with everything covered in white.  It was amazing how much more of the surrounding area I noticed with the extra contrast.  When the sunrise turned pastel the snow turned pink.  It was pretty neat.

Along with the crazy weather, I have a cold.  No fun at all, but Anne seems to be avoiding it (go go antibodies in breastmilk!).  I just keep hoping it's not gestating like crouching tiger hidden dragon and intends to show its ugly claws over the weekend.  Seriously, I have decided Anne is never allowed to have a cold or sinus infection.  I can do puke. I can do poop. Snot, on the other hand? Makes me gag and want to run for the hills.  I've already had my fair share of using the sucker bulb to get boogers out and that's bad enough...I'm dreading the onslaught of snot that comes with sickness.  Just...eww.

Kristian's job is thoroughly ticking me off right now.  Along with the freeze on raises for the past 3 years, now it seems our health insurance is effectively doubling.  He was supposed to get a "5 year employee" discount this month which should have cut the price nearly in half.  Instead, the rate increase is making the discounted rate $10 more a week than what we pay *now*.  It's just ridiculous.  I feel really bad for people who weren't about to get a long term discount; I can't even imagine how much they're supposed to pay...on the flip side, at least Kristian still has a job.  For now, anyway, since they've been laying people off again.  At least it's making him more determined than ever to go back to school finally.  Grateful for the employment, frustrated that our budget is stretched past what we can afford...time to trim some things again, not that there's much there to trim.

My job fortunately seems to be going well.  There's always a bright side to things.  We'll make it.  Just have to trust that God will take us where we're supposed to go, and keep putting our feet forward to get there.

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