Thursday, March 24, 2011

Marital Romance

Life changed a lot when I got married, and even more so after Anne was born.  Kristian and I have only seemed to grow closer as a couple.  I'm not a wife who has to complain that my husband doesn't do his fair share around the house, because it's quite the opposite; he does things I don't even ask him to do.  Even so, I was lamenting to myself the other day that we don't do a lot of typical "romantic" things anymore, and I miss that.  But then I got to thinking...

The roses he brings me look like fresh ground coffee made and ready to be brewed for the next morning.

The mushy cards he writes me look like blue painters tape with our daughter's name, the date, and the word "breastmilk" on them for her bottles to take to daycare the next day.

Our fancy dinners out look like a dishwasher that's been unloaded and reloaded before I get home, and dessert is when he cleans up the kitchen after dinner is over.

Our pillow talk sounds like his comfortable "ok, baby" whenever I ask him to get me something to drink because I'm nursing our daughter and don't want to disturb her.

The box of chocolates he gives me looks like the bottle of water and cup of juice he brings upstairs for me so I can take my vitamins before bed.

And these are only a few of the things that he does around our house, every single day.  And it may not sound like anything is a big deal, but all these little things make my life so much easier.  He also takes out the trash, cleans the cat litter boxes twice a week, puts clothes away after I fold them, and works a job he's not particularly fond of to help support us and provide our family with good health insurance.  He picks up Anne from daycare and holds her when I need an extra hand.  I could go on and on.

Kristian never fails to tell me he loves me, and even though I rarely get actual roses anymore, he shows me every day how much he loves me.  If this is the romance of marriage and parenthood, I'll take it.

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