Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Adventures

Friday night Kristian went to hang out with his friends like he usually does and I stayed home with Anne.  I considered calling some people to hang out, but I didn't feel like going anywhere and I wanted the option of going to bed early.  It was the first night in a long time that I haven't watched any tv; we're trying to follow the practice of no tv for Anne before she's 2 years old (although admittedly sometimes she watches Scrubs with us or whatever else is on if she doesn't fall asleep right after dinner).  So I played with her, had leftovers for dinner, and then when it became apparent that she had no intentions of going to sleep early, I needed something else to do with her.  She only has so many toys and even if she's not bored with them quickly, I am.

So I turned on, chose my  "Better Than Ezra" station, and danced around my living room with Anne in my arms.  She enjoyed it, I had fun doing something I love to do, and it was a little bit of exercise.  I got tired after about 4 or 5 songs (Anne is getting heavy!!) and decided to go to bed finally, but it was fun.  This Friday I might break out some pop/dance music.

Saturday morning we got up at the crack of dawn to go to the DMV to get our address changed on our driver's licenses.  After waiting for half an hour for our number to be called a supervisor announced that they couldn't do address changes because of a system update.  Needless to say we were not very excited about this.  The good part though was that it meant Kristian didn't sleep until almost noon so I got to spend some more time with him.  Anne took a nap on my lap when we got back and Kristian and I played Tetris. It's one of the few video games I really enjoy.  We spent the rest of the day bumming around the house, and we finally watched Inglorious Basterds.  It was a good movie, very Tarantino. 

Sunday we slept too late to make it to church but I started our morning off with a delicious breakfast of blueberry pancakes, sausage, and eggs.  Then we went to Fini's Pizza to support a fundraiser for Ground Zero Grace ( for lunch.  I cooked for one of the new moms in our church and we drove her meal up to her house in Gainesville, then we spent the rest of the evening watching Scrubs. 

Both Saturday and Sunday nights I got to fall asleep on the couch with Anne, which is one of my favorite things to do.  Kristian likes to stay up later than I do, and I don't like going to bed without him, so I'll lay on the couch with Anne, nurse her, and fall asleep while he plays a video game or reads nearby to keep an eye on us.  I think I sleep so well like this because I know Kristian is there watching over us; I feel safe.  I never sleep with Anne on the couch when he's not there, though, so I look forward to being able to do it on the weekends. 

In three more weeks we'll start Anne on solids.  We're doing Baby-Led Weaning and I'm really excited about it.  Should be interesting (and messy!)  She's sitting up on her own really well now.  Every new little thing that she learns how to do just amazes me.  Babies really are like a blank slate.  You have to teach them everything.  I didn't realize how many things we take for granted until I had a child, like the simple things like knowing what a cup or a fork is.  Still no signs of crawling, but she's so strong I won't be surprised if she walks first.  She loves to stand up and she only needs your hand or an object nearby to balance. 

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