Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend Adventures

Friday night Anne and I visited "Aunt" Chey, "Uncle" Darren, Tyler, and Lucas.  The babies seemed to get along, Tyler had the usual antics of a 7 year old jealous for attention (and I tried to pay attention to him as much as possible, I know it has to be hard when you're competing against a baby, let alone two), and we generally had a good time.  Chey cooked dinner and I let Anne sit in Lucas' bumbo seat and she made it almost the whole meal before she started to get fussy.  It was the first time in a long time I've eaten dinner without her on my lap.  I think daycare has really calmed her down a lot (either that or it's just her age).  The coffee I drank when I first got to their house kept me sufficiently awake and I made it to 10:30 before I started yawning and needed to head for home.  It was nice to socialize though, I don't get as much of that anymore.  Kristian has set plans with friends of his twice a week but I'm often at home by myself with the baby.  It's just the nature of being a mom; most of the time I'm too tired or too busy to hang out with anyone anyway.  But I miss my friends regardless.

Saturday we went with Kristian to get his hair cut and I got to say hello to our stylist.  Of course, Anne spit up on me 2 minutes after we got there, but that's just life.  We stopped by IHOP and had brunch, went to the grocery store, and then went home.  I spent my afternoon playing with Anne while Kristian napped, and then he tooled me at Tetris while Anne napped.  I can't believe how rusty I am at that game; it's been years since I played it but I've always loved it.  I used to be really good when I played it on my Gameboy all the time when I was in middle school.  Kristian's consistent video gaming has honed his hand-eye coordination though and his scores were well above mine.  I'll just have to practice when he's not home....It's one of the few video games I can play for hours.  I like that the controls are simple, and that the gameplay is simple.  RPGs are too complicated, and even platform games, while I do enjoy somewhat (like Little Big Planet...awesome game) I still get tired of them in about an hour or so. 

Sunday we slept in and skipped church in an effort to have a pajama day that got derailed by Kristian's parents coming over so his dad could help us replace the broken fascia board on the front of our house.  It needed to be done and I'm grateful for Chuck's help; we certainly don't know how to do house repair things.  We just have really busy schedules and it seems like we never get a whole day to just lounge and spend time with each other and Anne.  After his parents left we ate dinner and watched Beauty and the Beast.  I haven't seen it in years.  I still love it; it's a beautiful movie and has a great soundtrack.  I still hate it when the Beast turns into the Prince though.  A friend of mine suggested that every one hates that part because you don't want the Beast to seem perfect...but honestly, I think it's just because I don't like the way they drew the Prince.  I want the Prince to look like Gaston; that blonde hair and feminine face just doesn't do it for me.  He's just not....manly.  It's like they went from the very manly Beast to a little boy.  Blech.  Still an awesome movie though.  Then we watched the last episode of Psych on Netflix before they kick over to the dvds and I'm currently in Psych withdrawal.  Love that show, and Season 4 got really intense.  They started making the episodes a little more serious.  Oh well, will have to start watching old seasons of Scrubs again to get my tv comedy. 

Also, new developments for Anne...she's getting closer to sitting up on her own and I heard her make some new sounds the past couple of days so she might be getting closer to consonants.  Babies are awesome :-D

1 comment:

  1. I know this is an older post, but as to your Beauty and the Beast comment, I recommend some retellings of that story that put a different twist on it. The Fire Rose by Mercedes Lackey and Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley, for starters.
