Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Anne: (June 7, 2011)

Dear Anne:

I can't believe you're almost 8 months old.  It's the downhill side of approaching your first birthday when the infant days will be gone, and I'm going to miss these days so much.  I love these sweet baby days when you still need me, when you want to snuggle and have me carry you everywhere.  I know they will be over too soon. 

You're doing really well at eating solid foods now, though most of it is still play.  I'm so glad we decided to do Baby Led Weaning because I have already seen you eat foods that other kids won't touch even when they're older.  Broccoli is your favorite food, probably because it's so easy for you to pick up.  But you always seem to make a beeline for any green vegetable I put in front of you, so I don't think we'll ever have to coerce you into eating your veggies.  You really seem to enjoy eating meals with us, and look honestly put out if we eat something and don't offer you any. 

You still can't crawl but you're getting really close; I imagine it will only be another couple of weeks.  You can get your butt up in the air but you haven't figured out how to coordinate moving your knees and your hands.  I can tell you desperately want to move; you usually end up scooting backwards when you try and you often whine in frustration.  Hang in there, sweetheart, you'll figure it out soon enough!  Then Mommy and Daddy will be chasing you all over the house...and the cats will be running for their lives. lol

You've discovered that "Peek-a-Boo" is a great game, and Daddy and I play it with you behind the couch.  One of us will hold you on the couch and the other will hide on the other side and pop up to suprise you.  I don't think either of us will ever get tired of your smiles or your laughter; they're seriously the best things ever.

Unfortunately you've spent most of your infant life with some kind of cold or sinus infection.  It frustrates me to no end that you are sick more than you're healthy, but I can only hope this is giving you an iron-strong immune system for when you're older.  Daycare = the necessary evil.  But for the most part you seem happy even when you're full of "baby boogers."

I still love nursing you, and one of my favorite things to do on the weekends is to nurse you down for a nap on the couch.  Daddy always stays nearby if I decide to take a nap with you to make sure you don't roll off the couch.  I love co-sleeping with you too, and I'm going to really miss you being in our bed when it's time to move you to a "big girl bed."  I read something about slumber parties with your kids the other day; we'll have to have those, especially if Daddy is off with his friends.

You enjoy the stroller now and also riding in the grocery cart (I put a cloth cover in it for you).  I still carry you in the Moby sometimes, but you seem to like the independence of the cart too.  You love to bounce and you really enjoy the walker we got you.  I have to keep a close eye on you though; apparently trying to get into the kitchen trashcan is one of your favorite games!  Telling you "No" only makes you grin at me and sometimes giggle.  I think we're going to have our hands full...

You started saying "da da da da" recently.  I don't know if you recognize that it relates to Daddy, but I'm anxious for you to say "ma ma ma ma."  I love it when you chatter even if we can't really understand what you're trying to tell us.

You're fascinated by the cats.  Duchess will let you pet her until you grab her fur and pull, and Indy still shies away from you.  I think maybe he knows better. lol

I love you more than words can express and every moment I'm away from you I long to be with you again.  I wish time would slow down; I want to hold on to these days.  12 months of being an infant is just not long enough.

Love always,


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